Chapter 4
Linguistic Varieties and
Multilingual Nations
use terms that enable them to distinguish between different varieties or codes
in multilingual communities. The codes or varieties are being categorized based
on function and status.
and Creoles
language: specific and broad definition:
· It is a language that has not been standardized and
which does not have official status.
· In a multilingual community, the different ethnic
languages used by different groups are also described as vernacular.
· It is usually the first language learnt by the people,
and they are often used for narrow range of informal functions.
· The term vernacular is made up of three facts:
Ø It is an uncodified and nonstandardised
variety. For example, Spanish is regarded as a vernacular in USA but not in
Spain, this is because the UNESCO report defined a vernacular language as the
first language of a group that is socially and politically dominated by a group
with a different language. So in USA, the dominant language is English, but
vernaculars would be any language spoken by ethnic groups.
Ø It is acquired as the first variety (usually in
Ø It is used for limited functions. It is used
for communication in home and with friends. It is the language of solidarity.
· It refers to the most colloquial variety in a person’s
linguistic repertoire.
extension, the term was used to refer in a monolingual community to the most
informal and colloquial variety of a language which may also have a
standardized variety. In this sense, the term is being used by sociolinguists
who study dialects.
The term is
also used to indicate that a language is used for everday interaction, without
implying that it is being used for informal domains only. For example, Hebrew
was not a mother tongue for any speaker, and was only used for performing
rituals, and was not regarded as a vernacular. However as Hebrew started to be
the national language of Israel, the sociolinguists called this process as
vernacularization. Therefore its H
status included L functions. So Hebrew now became the language of everyday
communication. In this sense, the term is very broad and not useful, as it
regards all the languages spoke by native speakers as vernacular.
informal vs. formal (the more useful definition)
calls any native language used by a speaker as vernacular.
Criteria المعايير:
ü Codified
ü Prestigious
ü Serves H functions
A standard
variety is one that is written and had undergone a process of codification. It
is recognized as prestigious in the community, and it is used for H functions
along with a diversity of L varieties. This term is general because:
Few of the
world’s languages are written
languages are standardized and accepted as a language for formal functions. The
next example shows what the definition means:

The development of Standard English
illustrates the three essential criteria: it was an influential, prestigious
variety. It was codified and stabilized, and it served H functions as it was
used in court, literature and administration. It has also gained its special
position as a result of social, economic and political influence.
Standard languages developed in a
similar way in many European countries such as Italy, France and Spain. There
were a variety of dialects of vernacular languages which were derived from
colloquial Latin and served L functions for their communities, along with the
classical Latin, the H language, which served H functions. From these dialects
a standard dialect emerged. Once a standard dialect is developed it generally
provides a very useful means of communication across areas of dialect
diversity. Its status is prestigious and guarantees its spread. Standard
English has also served as a useful variety for communication between areas of
dialect diversities in the areas where the British influence existed. Local
varieties have spread in areas like Malaysia, Singapore, and many African
countries. The English of UK has served as a norm in countries that already
developed their English like Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada. In
Singapore, the British English is the endorsed language by the government
rather than Singaporean English.
Lingua Franca
v The term lingua franca describes a language serving as
a means of communication between different linguistic groups in a multilingual
speech community.
v It is used between the people whose native language
differs. For example:
If Colombian
Indians want to communicate with Indians
living in Vaupes, they would use Tukano as a lingua franca.
If Indians
want to communicate with non-Indians (who are
not familiar with Tukano), the Colombians
would use Spanish, and the Brazilians would use Portuguese.
v It is the official or national language. For example:
lingua franca like Hiri Muto
In multilingual communities some
times linguafrancas displace vernaculars. For example, when people from
different ethnic groups in Zaire or Tanzania marry they will use the lingua
franca in home. Consequently, the lingua franca will be the language of their
children (vernacular). However, sometimes the marriage system is exogamous.
People must marry from outside the group. Each party will use his/her own
language, and this will maintain both parties’ vernaculars due to linguistic
distinctiveness. (Like Pauves)
v Lingua Francas develop as a trade language. This
emphasizes the economic influence over language change.
East West
Swahili Hausa
Swahili was used as the
market and trade language in East Africa, while Hausa was the market and trade
language in West Africa.
Pidgin and Creole
Has no native speakers, and develops as
a means of communication between people who do not have a common language.
(Ex. On seacoasts, it was developed as languages of trade between the traders
who used the language of the colonizer with the people whom they are trading
It may derive from the word business as
pronounced in the pidgin English that developed in China.
A pidgin that acquires native speakers.
It is learnt by children as their first language. (Ex: Tok Pisin has
developed into a Creole because it became the native language of a large
number of speakers).
It is expanded in structure and
vocabulary to express the range of meanings required for a first language.
- It serves restricted domains and
functions, ex: (trade-administration-buying and selling).
- Used for referential rather than
affective functions.
- Not used for signaling group
identification or to express social distance.
- It has a short life if it is
restricted for restricted functions. It disappears when he function
disappears. (ex: American troops and Vietnamese people in Vietnam developed a
pidgin to communicate. When this situation was over the pidgin died.
- It is used in a wide range of domains
and functions. (Politics, education, administration, original literature, and
debate in parliament in PNG).
- It has been accepted as official and
national languages in a number of countries.
- The H variety which tends to supply
the largest amount of vocabulary is called (lexifier-superstrate), while the
language used to influence the grammatical structure is called (substrate).
Ex: in PNG, English is the lexifier for Tok Pisin, as it provided 77% of
vocabulary, while Tolai is the substrate.
- No affixes to mark gender.
No inflection to mark tenses or
- It has structural complexity: There is
a use of affixes and inflection to mark gender and pluralism.
- It is more structurally regular than
pidgins: a linguistic strategy that regularizes the structure of words with
related meanings, and so makes the forms easier to learn and to be
- Do not enjoy H status
- Described as mongrel jargons and
macaroni lingoes.
Speakers of creoles are proud of their
language as a means of communication with a wide range of influential people,
and in getting decent jobs. (ex: though Haitian Creole is the L variety beside rather than French,
the monolingual speakers of Haitian Creole
express strong loyalty to that language that express their feelings
(affective). The same goes with Buang in PNG as the code switching between
the Tok Pisin and Buang demonstrate solidarity.
and endings
- some had argued that pidgins and creoles had
a common origin, as most pidgins can be traced back to a single 15th
Portuguese pidgin or perhaps a Mediterranean lingua franca called Sabir.
- Others
argue that each pidgin arises and develops independently. They say that
similarities are caused by two types of constraints:
1- Pidgins
arise in different contexts but for the same basic functions (trade or any
other referential function).
2- These functions are expressed through universal
structural processes like simplification or reduction. These processes are found in any context
where communication is the aim, so there is no need to argue for a common origin
for all pidgins.
- what happens later to
a Creole depends on the social context:
there may exist a continuum of varieties between the standard language and the
Creole. This is known as “Post-Creole continuum”. It may also be standardized and adopted as an
official language like Tok Pisin in PNG, or may
become a national language like Indonesian which
was developed from Pidgin Malay.
language اللغة العامية
language اللغة
Franca لغة
التمييز اللغوي
Exogamous له علاقة بزواج الأبعاد
اللغة الهجينة
المزودة بالألفاظ والكلمات
التي تساهم في البناء
jargons لغة
اصطلاحية هجينة
continuum سلسلة
اللهجات ما بعد اللغة الهجينة
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